Immigration law, abortion and war in Gaza… 8.30 franceinfo by Bruno Retailleau

The president of the LR group in the Senate was the guest of 8.30 franceinfo on Tuesday October 31, 2023.

The president of the LR group in the Senate was the guest of 8.30 franceinfo on Tuesday October 31, 2023. Immigration law, abortion and war in Gaza, he answered questions from Agathe Lambret and Jean-Rémi Baudot.

Immigration Law: article 3 is “a red line”

“The migratory chaos, the French can’t take it anymore”, affirmed Bruno Retailleau, president of the Les Républicains group in the Senate on franceinfo Tuesday October 31, who confirms that he refuses any compromise on article 3 of the immigration bill, the one which should allow the regularization of undocumented immigrants working in professions in tension. This article 3 is a “Red line” for Republicans, as the immigration bill arrives in the Senate on November 6. “The cup is full”insisted the senator from Vendée. “How do you want to control immigration if you open breaches?”explained the boss of the LR senators, determined to “master” immigration.

Right to abortion in the constitution: “the Weil law is not in danger”

While Emmanuel Macron wishes to integrate the right to abortion into the Constitution, this is not the case for the entire political landscape, and in particular for the right. If a constitutional reform bill went in this direction, Bruno Retailleau would not “Do not think” that he would vote for it, he declared on franceinfo. “We constitutionalize a right when we consider that it is in danger. But today, this is not the case with the Weil law, no party wishes to repeal it”. He then specifies that “It’s a debate that came from the United States, and American debates do not have to be imported into the national territory.”

“The voice that France must carry is that of peace”

For the president of the LR group in the Senate, France must support Israel: “Hamas is a terrorist movement, it does not want the liberation of Palestine, it disfigures it. It wants the end of Israel, the eradication of the Jewish people. So as long as there is Hamas, it will not there will be no peace process.” According to him : “The voice that France must carry is that of peace, of Israel’s right to defend itself, and to destroy Hamas, within the framework of international law, while ensuring maximum respect for the populations.”

Watch the interview in full:

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