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In Arras, Pas-de-Calais, adult migrants, often war refugees, take part in an experiment in integration through work by taking French lessons while working in a restaurant. This pilot class will last six months.
In Arras (Pas-de-Calais), in a classroom, foreign adults learn the ingredients of a mixed salad. Having arrived on French soil less than five years ago, these migrants, often war refugees, have very unequal levels. Matilda GuzikProfessor of French professional language, adapts. “I let them speak their language a little during the course, because it allows them to translate, to work, (…) they see a little of the levers they have, on their own, to be able to learn”she explains.
A pilot class that will last six months
Eiman Zienorestaurant manager Sikbeh and herself a political refugee, volunteered to take part in the integration programme. “It’s the start that is difficult, so if we find someone around us for the departure, (…) there will be no worries for afterwards”, she believes. This is an experiment in integration through work for these refugees. This pilot class will last six months.