Immigration, government pact, presidential 2027, medical deserts, fight against drug trafficking… What to remember from Eric Ciotti’s interview

The president of the Les Républicains (LR) party and deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Wednesday June 14, 2023.

Eric Ciotti, president of the Les Républicains (LR) party and deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes, was the guest of the 8:30 a.m. franceinfoWednesday June 14, 2023. Immigration, government pact, presidential 2027, medical deserts, fight against drug trafficking … He answered questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Immigration: for Eric Ciotti, “we must learn lessons” from the Annecy knife attack

“Lessons must be learned” of the knife attack in Annecy, said the boss of the Republicans, assuring that “this situation is also one of the multiple drifts of a migratory chaos which has settled in France, which is settling in Europe”. According to him, the question of the slowness of asylum procedures is central, while the assailant is a Syrian refugee who had applied for asylum at the French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra) at the end of October, after his arrival in France. “We can clearly see that these delays, when we had all the elements, are problematic. Does it take seven months to rule on a person’s situation? adjust”, he explained.

For the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, it is first necessary to expel “the person and if they win the appeal, then they come back”. It recommends that in the event of a refusal of an asylum application, the appeal “do not be suspensive”. “Asylum, too often, has become the legal gateway for illegal immigration”, he hammered. Eric Ciotti also returned to his proposal that asylum applications should be “externally examined” from France.

Eric Ciotti, successor to Elisabeth Borne at Matignon? A scenario of “political fiction”

“We are in opposition”assured Eric Ciotti, when asked about a possible appointment as head of government to replace Elisabeth Borne, stressing that “it’s all political fiction”. “This question does not arise. It would mean that we are in a situation where we have the majority or that our ideas settle in the government of the country”, he evacuated. The boss of the LR camp also sweeps away a possible government pact between LR and the presidential majority. “We are naturally not in this context and I do not see how we would be there, because we do not have a majority group in the National Assembly”. While the leader of the right asked to meet Emmanuel Macron on the subject of immigration, he “regret” not to have received “at this stage” response from the Head of State.

Presidential 2027: “I naturally wish that Laurent Wauquiez be the candidate” of the LR party

“I naturally want Laurent Wauquiez to be the candidate” of the LR party for the presidential election of 2027, confirmed Eric Ciotti. The deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes had already made the president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region the candidate of his camp for 2027. “I said it before my election, it was cards on the table”, he repeated, adding that the “primary did (him) not seem like a good solution”on the grounds that it is “a source of division”. “We will work in the fall on a reform of our statutes”, he explained. “What I proposed is that the political office of our political family make a proposal and then the activists ratify it”, he added.

Medical deserts: Eric Ciotti pleads for the maintenance of the “freedom of installation” of doctors

“We must maintain this freedom of installation”launched President LR, while an amendment to the text of the presidential camp to fight against medical deserts, carried by a transpartisan group of elected officials from almost all political groups, aims to question freedom for doctors to settle in areas that are already well supplied with caregivers. “I believe in the freedom of the doctor, I believe in liberal medicine”insisted Eric Ciotti. “Be careful not to go into a system of rules, of coercive norms”he continued, pleading more for measures “incitement”.

The bill examined this week in the National Assembly also contains an article aimed at encouraging young doctors to settle in under-resourced areas via a monthly allowance. “We are in a country of freedom, this word freedom, it must regain its place”launched President LR. “I am for us to advocate freedom. It is freedom that brings the answers. It is never the ban, the norm, the bureaucracy that we are dying of today”he decided.

Eric Ciotti wants to “attack consumption” by posting the names of those arrested in possession of narcotics

The boss of the right wants “Tackling Consumption” narcotics by posting the names of people arrested in possession of drugs on the website of the Ministry of the Interior. “The situation today is dramatic,” he asserted. “Drugs are today 3.5 billion euros in turnover in France, it’s 100,000 people, 80% of account settlements are drug-related”he explained, before adding that this situation “corrupts our territories and rots our youth”. “If we don’t tackle consumption, the offer will adapt”continued the LR boss for whom “We have trivialized consumption too much” of drugs. For consumers, Eric Ciotti also recommended increasing the fixed fine from 200 to 1,000 euros.

Driving license at 17: “why not”, reacts Eric Ciotti, for whom “we must facilitate access to the license”

The government plans to lower the minimum age to pass a driving license to 17, according to information from franceinfo. “Why not”reacted Eric Ciotti, who campaigns to facilitate “access to driving license”. “What is important is that we facilitate access to a driving license. Today, the price, the tariff, the deadlines for obtaining it are too often dissuasive for young people who have little income”, he explained. Three weeks ago, his party tabled a bill to lower the age limit not to 17, but to 16.


Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Wednesday June 14, 2023:

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