The LFI MP for Seine-Saint-Denis was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday December 9, 2023.
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Raquel Garrido, LFI MP for Seine-Saint-Denis, was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday December 9, 2023. Immigration bill, Hanukkah at the Élysée… She responded to Jules de Kiss and Agathe Lambret.
Immigration law: “We are going to enter an ignoble phase for two weeks”
“We are going to enter a ignoble phase for two weeks“, fears Raquel Garrido, while the immigration bill must be examined in the National Assembly from Monday, unless the motion of rejection prior to the text is passed. “We will turn on the radio, the television and everything will be the fault of the immigrants.”
The rebellious elected official will vote for the motion because “the best thing that could happen to France is that this law goes back on the shelf“. This would be, according to her, in “democratic logic“. Raquel Garrido explains: “The arithmetic reality is that President Macron is in the minority in the National Assembly and that all groups spoke out against this law“However, the hon. “fears that the Macronists could have the support of the far right“.
Raquel Garrido reiterates her opposition to this immigration bill carried by Gérald Darmanin. “I refuse that Gérald Darmanin makes people believe that he is addressing the issue of delinquency and crime by attacking immigrants first.“, she protests. She accuses him, and the government more generally, of “imply that certain nationalities are suited to crime and not others“.
Emails from the Ministry of the Interior on the immigration law: a “communication strategy from Darmanin to open this sequence of debates”
In a press release, the group of LFI-Nupes deputies denounced Friday evening the “repugnant tactics” of Gérald Darmanin to promote the immigration bill. This reaction was triggered by emails sent by the Ministry of the Interior listing in each department anonymous cases of foreign offenders who could be returned “to their country of origin if the law was adopted”.
The editorial staff of Radio France and other media were the recipients of these emails. Elected officials including Raquel Garrido also received “these press releases” Or “Darmanin’s communication strategy to open this sequence of debates on immigration“, she reaffirms. The MP criticizes the Minister of the Interior for “trying to make people believe that he takes care of the security of the French through this law which is not a law on security“.
Beyond the method, Raquel Garrido also contests the substance. “For example, I received for Ile-de-France an example of a person convicted in 2016 for theft and use of drugs. In Moselle, my colleague Charlotte Leduc also received examples of people who arrived in France at the age of three and were convicted of contempt, rebellion and theft.“.
Jewish holiday of Hanukkah at the Élysée: “It’s complicated to live in a secular country when the president is not secular”
“It’s complicated to live in a secular country when the president is not secular“, reacted Raquel Garrido, while the President of the Republic is at the heart of a controversy after having attended the lighting of a candle for the Jewish festival of Hanukkah at the Élysée on Thursday evening. Elected officials from all sides denounced an attack on secularism. Emmanuel Macron’s entourage defended themselves, emphasizing that “attending a religious event does not constitute an attack on secularism“.
The MP of Chilean origin expressed her pride in living in a secular country: “Qhen I arrived in France, I discovered secularism and I love it. I love this idea of keeping the privacy of one’s faith to oneself and generating a common space where politics takes place.“, she explained. According to the rebellious elected official, the President of the Republic must set an example. “There must be a clear separation of the sphere of the intimate and the sphere of what is common, civil, political. This is the basis of secularism“, she insisted.
Raquel Garrido, a lawyer by profession, taught law at university. It demonstrates the difficulty of “explain to a student that they should not ostentatiously demonstrate their religion in the classroom“. According to her, young students are “on Netflix and see the Anglo-Saxon model and all these young people who are in the class with the manifestation of religion. It’s not a problem for anyone“, she emphasizes. Behind, the teachers”row” For “trying to make people understand the benefit of redacting certain areas“, she says.
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Saturday December 9, 2023 :