Immersive biography | Montreal tribute to Frida Kahlo

Icon of Mexican painting, face of feminist struggles and bearer of a tragic story, Frida Kahlo marked the 20e century by his works. Since Friday, Montrealers have been invited to dive into his world, as part of a biographical, immersive and unique exhibition in North America.

Posted at 9:00 a.m.

William Theriault

William Theriault
The Press

The aim of the organizers of Frida Kahlo, the life of an icon was to allow the visitor to soak up the artist’s universe – and it’s succeeded. Composed of seven distinct pieces, the course is dotted with atmospheric elements that transport you to Mexico: flowers, traditional music, skulls and animals, but also candles and bright colors.

We also leave aside the reproductions of paintings, to put the biographical aspect forward. “You really immerse yourself in her life,” says Rosa Monge of the Frida Kahlo Corporation, who came up with the original idea for the gallery’s design and composition. “It’s a different experience [d’une exposition classique]. »

In some places, the visitor is invited to interact with his environment. In particular, he can move around in a small room lined with mirrors, fill in a coloring page representing the artist in a café and put on a virtual reality helmet.

All this following a plot that cleverly mixes the works and the dramatic life story of Frida Kahlo; the one who lived from 1907 to 1954 and who is best known for her self-portraits contracted poliomyelitis at the age of 6.

“It’s an icon that represents the feminist movement,” explained to The Press Monica Montano, from the Consulate General of Mexico in Montreal. “She was involved in the arts, but also in politics. »

Freedom and fulfillment

Married to the painter Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo herself painted the majority of her works thanks to a mirror suspended above her bed, after suffering a serious bus accident at the age of 18. In her paintings, she tends to illustrate the suffering that gnaws at her daily, in different forms.

No matter what happens to her, she recovers. It represents freedom and fulfillment, in a context where we are still fighting for women’s rights in my country.

Monica Montano, from the Consulate General of Mexico in Montreal

And it is with enthusiasm that the various members of the project presented the exhibition to the media this week at the Arsenal contemporary art. “We are excited. She [Frida Kahlo] is an emblem of Mexico,” the Consul General of Mexico in Montreal, Alejandro Estivill Castro, told reporters. “Nothing could be more satisfying than being here today. »

Photo David Boily, LA PRESSE

Alejandro Estivill Castro, Consul General of Mexico in Montreal

The original exhibition, presented in Barcelona, ​​attracted more than 300,000 visitors. And according to the Spanish designer Raül Pedroche, the Montreal exhibition is of “perfect quality”.

Montréal becomes the fifth city in the world to welcome Frida Kahlo, the life of an icon, after Barcelona, ​​Porto, Brussels and Tel-Aviv. The metropolis was selected from among several candidates to host the first edition of the expo in North America.

The promoters of the exhibition conducted an online survey of art lovers before deciding on the metropolis, explained Barry Garber, who takes on roles in development and as an associate producer. Montreal, which has also hosted immersive exhibits on Van Gogh and Monet, has even garnered more interest than New York, which came in second.

Accessible exhibition

For the team behind the exhibition, there is no question of only prioritizing fans of the icon. Everyone can find something there.

Photo David Boily, LA PRESSE

Barry Garber, Associate Producer and Head of Exhibit Development

We want the visit to be as interesting for people who don’t know anything about her as for those who are big fans.

Barry Garber, associate producer of Frida Kahlo, the life of an icon

A goal, in terms of visitors? “It’s always a gamble, that smiles Barry Garber. For Van Gogh and Monet, we received more than 100,000 people, so I would like it to be at least that. Let it be similar. And I have a good feeling. »

The exhibition is scheduled to run until July 24, but could continue until the end of the summer if the response from Montrealers ever exceeds expectations.

After the Arsenal contemporary art, the immersive biography will be presented in Phoenix, Puerto Rico, San Diego and New York, but also in Sydney (Australia), Germany and France.

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