immediate boarding on the Vélorail at Autheuil-Authouillet station

Impossible to derail on this old SNCF line. Especially with the bicycles of the association of the railroad of the valley of the Eure where in Autheuil-Authouillet it is possible to pedal on a little more than 10 kilometers, direction La Croix-Saint-Leufroy in the north or Chambray towards the south. A walk in a natural space.

Vélorail until the end of summer

The first stage of this route already begins by putting the bike in the direction of travel, in the direction of the rail. Once completed, Chantal, Hubert and their grandchildren, Maxence and Célia leave for Chambray south of Autheuil-Authouillet. “There are fields, tall trees, only vegetation“, describes Célia, 12 years old. “There were lots of little beasts that climbed on my legs, I saw little lizards too“, she continues with a smile.

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But they are two to provide the efforts on this section of rail. Maxence, 15 years old and Chantal. “We have good legs anyway“, smiles the latter. “I’m a walker so I know the area very well.“, she adds. You don’t need big calves to pedal. After an hour of riding, Hubert admits, it’s not more physical than the racing bike. “In any case, you have to pedal“, he smiles.

The Eure Valley Railway Association organizes these nature outings. “It’s in tune with the times, it’s ecological. We spend our energy healthily. We see things that we are not used to seeing, especially in the forests where we meet deer, pheasants, swans. There are a few viaducts, bridges. Discover the Eure Valley differently“, concludes Michel Viel in charge of the volunteers of the association.

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