imbroglio around Emmanuel Macron’s “Great Debate”, finally canceled


Video length: 2 min

Agricultural Show: imbroglio around Emmanuel Macron’s “Great Debate”, finally canceled

Agricultural Show: imbroglio around Emmanuel Macron’s “Great debate”, finally canceled – (France 2)

Emmanuel Macron announced, on the evening of Friday February 23, that he was finally giving up the “Great Debate” that he wanted to organize at the Agricultural Show. Back to a big mess.

The agricultural crisis was supposed to be resolved on Saturday February 24, during a “Great debate” desired by Emmanuel Macron at the Agricultural Show. The cameras were already installed, and yet. It all started on the afternoon of Thursday February 22. The Élysée then announced that the head of state would organize a major debate on the model of those organized during the Yellow Vest crisis, to relieve the pressure. Around the president, farmers, unions, environmental associations and large retailers are invited.

Among these associations, the Élysée confirms on several occasions that “Les Soulèvements de la Terre”, an environmentalist organization accused of violence, will be invited. A few hours later, the boss of the FNSEA, Arnaud Rousseau, let his anger explode, speaking of a “unacceptable provocation”. He announces that he will not participate, then persists the next morning by charging the executive: “Politics is something other than communications or shows.”

Emmanuel Macron backpedals

Even the Minister of Agriculture dissociates himself, describing the invitation as“inopportune”. It will be necessary to wait until midday on Friday for the Élysée to react publicly, indicating that the Earth Uprisings have not been “neither invited nor contacted”. Around 2 p.m., the boss of the Leclerc brand also denounced the presidential initiative: “I didn’t wait for the lame announcement of a big debate to talk with farmers.” In the evening, Emmanuel Macron ended up giving up his big debate.

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