[IMAGES] Turkeys take his daycare yard hostage

The director of the Domaine St-Sulpice early childhood center (CPE) in Ahuntsic is crying out after wild turkeys took the yard of her daycare center hostage.

Wild turkeys have invaded the courtyard of the CPE Domaine St-Sulpice since September, preventing children from playing outside because of sanitation.

“The Ministry of Wildlife told us that we had to wait for a permit and that it could take a few months. But there, the turkeys began to terrorize our families too,” laments the director of the establishment Nancy Morin.

His nightmare began in early September, when five turkeys chose his daycare yard as their new sleeping quarters.

Nancy Morin.  Director

Photo provided by Nancy Morin

Nancy Morin. Director

“They arrive at the end of the day around 4 p.m. and leave in the morning, but they leave excrement everywhere. We can no longer go out with the children, it’s so unsanitary, ”she says.

Afraid to go out

It’s not just the daycare that’s struggling with wild bird problems.

Families in the neighborhood dread the moment when they have to leave their homes to face the animals. Although not mean, the five turkeys can look menacing.

Wild turkeys have invaded the courtyard of the CPE Domaine St-Sulpice since September, preventing children from playing outside because of sanitation.

Photo provided by Nancy Morin

“There is a mother from the CPE who wanted to leave her house the other time, but the turkeys were blocking the entrance. She didn’t want to face them, so she couldn’t go out,” says Ms. Morin.

After several weeks of adaptation, the children at the daycare gradually get used to turkeys. Sometimes they even make a game out of it.

“One day, we were playing making noise with saucepans, and the birds were responding to us. It was a funny moment,” admits the director, letting out a laugh.

Out of resources

When the yard was renovated last summer, the Town made it clear that the turkeys’ beloved tree should not be cut down or damaged, or risk losing the permit for the renovations.

The children of the CPE can no longer access the yard due to the high number of excrements on the carpet.

Photo provided by Nancy Morin

The children of the CPE can no longer access the yard due to the high number of excrements on the carpet.

The management of the daycare has tried everything to finally get rid of wild animals: sound and light repellents, dogs and wolf urine, nothing helps. The turkeys are tough and determined to stay.

After speaking to the media, the director says she received a call from the ministry. This one seems to have changed his tune and says he is now ready to help him in his efforts.

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