Images of the violent storm that hit part of Auvergne

On orange alert for storms, part of Auvergne was waiting for the deluge. Rapid but intense, the weather phenomenon left some traces, this Saturday, July 20, without causing major damage.

Allier, Puy-de-Dôme and Haute-Loire were feverishly awaiting the storms of this Saturday, July 20, in the afternoon. The three departments were placed on orange alert according to Météo France. More worrying, theThe French observatory for tornadoes and violent storms painted these three departments red.

Falling trees

At the height of the storm, which lasted a few minutes in Clermont-Ferrand, the storms were accompanied by strong gusts of wind, with a peak of 90 km/h. A local resident testifies: “It was super fast, two, three minutes maximum. I’ve never seen a wind like that. We thought all the trees were going to be uprooted.”.

These strong gusts of wind were so intense that they caused some trees to fall. As shown in these images shared by an Internet user on X:

Or these photos taken in the streets of Clermont-Ferrand:

This video also shows the intensity of the torrential rains:

In Allier, this stormy episode required around thirty interventions by the firefighters. According to Enedis, 3,700 homes are without electricity in the Allier and Puy-de-Dôme departments following the storms. An estimate made from their count communicated at 6:30 p.m. and which could change at the end of the day. Météo France predicts a lull in the evening of Saturday, July 20.

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