I’m sorry…”, the astonishing sentence dropped by Bruno to Pauline when saying “yes” to him!

This Monday, April 25, 2022, love was once again an appointment in Married at first sight. While Bruno and Alicia definitely fell in love and plan to meet again after their honeymoon, other candidates have decided to trust the experts to find the person they need.

This time, it’s 77% sure that Damien and Pauline will go with each other according to science. It must be said that they have a lot in common since they have the same family values. But that’s not all since they had the same broken hearts.

The beautiful brunette has unfortunately experienced domestic violence and dreams of being able to find the person who will make her forget all that. It is therefore a bottle in the sea that the young woman launched by trusting the show. For his part, Damien has also come close to death and does not want to lose a single minute of his life without being accompanied by the woman he needs.

Against all expectations, Damien and Pauline already had another unexpected point in common. Or at least their relatives. While chatting with his future mother-in-law, the handsome brunette was surprised when he saw the guests. “But there are people I know, over there”he blurted out.

You know him ?” asked her mom. Damien then added: “Yes, we know each other! For real, I assure you”… In reality, it is one of the customers of the dealership where he works. He also asks the mother of the future bride. But that’s not all since one of his future wife’s guests also knows his mom! “Are you my client?” she let go. Like what the world is small at this party.

But the element of surprise did not stop there. When answering if he wanted to take Pauline as his wife, Damien first started addressing the crowd, saying: “I’m sorry if there were other suitors”… to finally conclude by letting go “because I will say YES”. A false fright which relieved Pauline who found it all very cute. It starts well!


See also: MAPR: production pointed out

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