“I’m sorry!” Marine Le Pen misses her departure against Emmanuel Macron

Gilles Bouleau, star of TF1, and Léa Salamé, that of France 2, opened the televised debate on the between two rounds on April 20, 2022. Broadcast on the two channels as well as those of continuous information, it opposes Emmanuel Macron, outgoing president and leader of La République en Marche, to Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Rally. The same poster as five years ago, however with several years of experience on the counter now. If the first exercised during a mandate, the second learned the lessons of his failed debate of 2017. However, this time, it is a failed start she just made.

Shortly after the introduction of the duo of hosts, Marine Le Pen started her speech on purchasing power even before her microphone was on. “Marine le Pen you were drawn to speak first“, Launches Léa Salamé. But there is a misunderstanding since the credits start to start as the leader of the RN begins her speech. Gilles Bouleau politely cuts her off to tell her that it was planned that each of the candidates answer the question. “how he or she would be better than his opponent.

Confused, Marine Le Pen takes things with a smile and apologizes: “I started before you even asked, I’m confused!“After assuring him that his speaking time would be restored to him, Léa Salamé gave him the floor again.”I’m absolutely sorry! I was going to say that France’s greatest asset is its people.

The pressure is great for the two political figures. If, according to journalist Nathalie Saint-Cricq, who confided in the Parisian because she had co-hosted the 2017 political show, the debate does not swing things dramatically, “even though [Marine Le Pen] prepared more for this debate than the first time in 2017″. At present, outgoing President Emmanuel Macron is credited with 56.5% of voting intentions in the second round against 43.5% for Marine Le Pen according to the daily Ipsos-Sopra Steria poll for franceinfo and Le Parisien-Today in France.

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