“I’m saying it for the first time”: Stéphane Plaza lifts the veil on his sexual orientation

For more than fifteen years now, Stéphane Plaza has distinguished himself in the audiovisual sector. Thanks to its successful programs on M6, Search apartment or house and House for sale, he also built a good reputation. But if he is always ready to make people laugh with his jokes and his very liberated nature, the 51-year-old real estate agent and host is, on the other hand, very little talkative when it comes to discussing his private life. Besides, his fans never really knew if he liked women, men, or both.

The Journal du Dimanche tried its luck to find out more on the occasion of a portrait dedicated to him in the issue published on May 29, 2022. Usually rather of the type to maintain the vagueness, as when he confided to having found “the ideal person” in 2019 in Do not touch My TV and be ready for marriage, Stéphane Plaza played it fair this time around.”I find it crazy that people ask this kind of question about me“, he was surprised at first. And for him to make the big reveal: “OK, I’m saying this for the first time: i am heterosexual. So“. End of the mystery!

Stéphane Plaza, however, will not say more about his sentimental situation. It is therefore difficult to know if he intends to soon move into the first apartment he bought in his life located in the Marais, in Paris, alone or with a companion. In 2021, Karine Le Marchand’s best friend, however, hinted that he had regained his celibacy. And then nothing. And for good reason, any of his confidences has always caused him harm. “Every time I talked about my love life and tried to be honest, it was a disaster. As soon as I announce something on this subject, either I am followed in the street, or they believe me with the wrong people and it fucks me up in there!“, he justified his great modesty on the subject for TV +. Result, motus and mouth sewn! “It’s decided: I won’t talk about it anymore!“, he brought in conclusion.

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