“I’m proud of her”: Jean-Jacques Bourdin upset by his wife Anne Nivat

Anne Nivat (52) left with her big backpack in Ukraine to cover the war caused by Vladimir Putin’s Russia. From their home in France, Jean-Jacques Bourdin pays tribute to the one he married in 2005 and with whom he has a teenage son, Louis.

The winner of the Albert Londres Prize in 2000 for her book Dog of war: a female reporter in Chechnyawas last seen on the hushed set ofWe are live against Léa Salamé and Laurent Ruquier on April 2. But the call from the field was stronger for the former correspondent in Moscow for Releasespecial correspondent for Point and collaborator of the International Herald Tribunee, du New York Times and washington post. With Jean-Jacques Bourdin, the love story has lasted since their love at first sight eighteen years ago, even if their influential couple is also marked by the fusional or even toxic nature of their relationship, according to Release.

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