“I’m not ready to give up my place!”

There is only The bastards who exceeds her ! The Miss France election night is the 2nd most watched entertainment every year, all channels combined. In 2020, 8.6 million viewers attended. Saturday evening on TF1, Amandine Petit will return her crown and hand it over to her successor, under the eyes of Jean-Pierre Foucault, historical presenter of the program since 1995.

“It will be my 27th ceremony and it’s magic because the Misses are still 20 years old and I have hardly changed!”

Jean-Pierre Foucault

on franceinfo

“It’s an exceptional elixir of youth, that’s why I’m hanging on. I’m not ready to give up my place, I keep it fiercely. ! “ said Jean-Pierre Foucault. Voluntarily withdrawn from TV, Jean-Pierre Foucault only kept two appointments on TF1: the Euromillions draw and the Miss France evening, “only real live show from 9 p.m. to midnight. That’s my job : live, not recorded. My little headset that tells me : ‘They are not ready’ and nobody realizes it, it’s a pleasure ” comments Jean-Pierre Foucault.

This year, the jury will be chaired by Jean-Pierre Pernaut (“Two Jean-Pierre for a Miss” , laughs the presenter), for an evening on the theme of musicals. To those who criticize the program calling it sexist, Jean-Pierre Foucault retorts : “Look elsewhere ! This program is not sexist in my opinion, it is a voluntary step on the part of the candidates “.

The almost retiree has chosen to ease off to take care of his loved ones and enjoy life, after 55 years of daily work. “I had decided to travel but the Covid arrived ! I don’t miss TV. Life is well done, the desire has left me “, concludes Jean-Pierre Pernault.

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