“I’m not an electrician, I don’t unplug anyone”, assures Olivier Faure about his relationship with Anne Hidalgo

“I’m not an electrician, I don’t unplug anyone”launched the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, this Monday on franceinfo, when he was asked about his attitude vis-à-vis the socialist candidate, Anne Hidalgo. “She was chosen by a militant vote of 73%, she is now our candidate and we support her”he assured. “We are in a fight which is a fight that I know is difficult, I am lucid”he admitted, while the mayor of Paris is struggling in the polls.

Anne Hidalgo’s difficulties have not escaped François Hollande’s former prime minister Bernard Cazeneuve either. On franceinfo on January 19, he attributed them in particular to the fact that the “Socialists did not prepare as they should have done” in the presidential election. At the head of the PS since 2018, Olivier Faure assured that he would not take it “not at all” for him.

“I explained it to him [Bernard Cazeneuve]I called him to ask him for explanations, to understand the subjects on which he had difficulties and I reminded him of the socialist project adopted last September which largely inspired Anne’s project Hidalgo”he added.

“Besides, he went back on his words a few days ago, saying that he included himself in this lack of reflection”assured Olivier Faure. “On housing, on education, on wages, on all these questions that make up the daily life of the French, we have worked for two years with extremely concrete proposals and which those who know them welcome”he said.

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