“I’m more of a right-winger, so more for the selection,” admits David Lisnard


The LR mayor of Cannes estimated Wednesday on franceinfo that the primaries are essential, unlike Eric Ciotti who opposes them and already supports the candidacy of Laurent Wauquiez.

“As I said once, I am rather right-wing, so I am more for selection”declared Wednesday, October 18, Mayor Les Républicains de Cannes David Lisnard regarding his ambitions for the 2027 presidential election. For the president of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF), “no one stands out, no one kills the match” on the right four years before the presidential election. “Do you remember Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007 who obviously crushed the match, or Jacques Chirac and Édouard Balladur“, he recalled.

>> 2027 presidential elections: do David Lisnard’s ambitions interfere with the positioning of Laurent Wauquiez?

“If the election took place today, there would need to be a tie-breaking and selection system”assures David Lisnard who believes that the primaries are necessary, contrary to what is planned by LR boss Eric Ciotti who is opposed to them and already supports the candidacy of Laurent Wauquiez, president of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes .

The man who will seek a new mandate at the head of the AMF in November, inaugurated the national headquarters of his New Energy movement in early October in Paris. Created in 2013 to prepare for his candidacy for mayor of Cannes in 2014, David Lisnard now intends to make it a movement of national dimension. “There is a great dynamic”he believes, while emphasizing that he wants “resist one’s own temptation of a narcissistic story to offer a corpus“ideological. According to Mayor LR of Cannes, “we need to rediscover the left-right or progressive-conservative dialectic”. “For the moment, it’s getting a good response.”

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