“I’m lucky to win well…”

Authentic and sensitive, Zazie has not finished impressing her audience with her musical universe. This Thursday, October 27, 2022, the main interested party took pleasure in engaging on her EP to our colleagues from 20 minutes. The interpreter of “Zen” unveiled it last September. The star also confided in the sales of his past opuses. Unvarnished, Zazie revealed that she was part “of the rare artists who love to know how many records they sell”.

However, the musician does not cares to know that she has sold less » than before. Passionate about art, Pascal Obispo’s sidekick is quite detached when it comes to the financial aspect. “Releasing an album is not really about wanting to sell an album”, replied the one who is aware “to make a good living” ! To this day, Zazie makes a perfect living from her profession… A chance in her milieu.

“Do we make music to sell?”

“I think more and more I will try to move towards that [se laisser la liberté de format de disque, ou encore de ne pas faire de promotion, NDLR]. I think it’s not bad to give people the choice, even if we sell less. It is also a courtesy to have in this world of solicitations, of constant consumption., she added. Let her admirers be reassured, Zazie still loves concerts: “That doesn’t mean that I won’t make a scene anymore and that people won’t see me anymore, but that people will see me less. I’m going to be seen elsewhere.”

In any case, the interpreter of the tube “Rue de la paix” has always fought for his artistic freedom! “Do we make music to sell? To live, yeah. We live very well. In the same way that I accept very well that people like or do not like such a statement, such a concept, such a subject, I have the impression that they give me the right “, analyzed Zazie and concluded philosophically: “It’s been going on for thirty years, to continue to be myself”.


to see also: Zazie celebrates her birthday: Back on her physical evolution

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