“I’m going to leave…”: Kristofer (Don’t forget the lyrics) breaks down in tears and explains

From the height of his 24 years, Kristofer makes history of Do not forget the lyrics. Indeed, Monday April 18, 2022, the young Belgian entered the top 10 of the biggest winners of the France 2 game presented by Nagui. The Maestro thus wins 244,000 euros, a sum accumulated in twenty-six participations. Even more, it now exceeds Violaine, the former number 1 of the program. With our colleagues from Entertainment TVKristofer delivers without filter on this exploit and the emotion felt at this precise moment.

After that show, I cried hot tears for at least five minutes. I couldn’t take myself back“, declares the champion. And to continue: “The programs follow one another during filming, and we leave as if nothing had happened. The emotions are very strong each time, and I find it difficult to recover. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get back into the game. I feel so emotional, that I’m afraid it will stop me from going further. I can no longer concentrate and think. With fatigue, I’m afraid of no longer managing my emotions. I can’t believe I passed Violaine. This woman is so strong, I have seen and reviewed her so much on TV. I don’t realize what’s going on at all.

In short, Kristofer is stressed. He apprehends the rest, and is even certain that the adventure will end very soon for him. “I’m sure I’m going to the next show. I take my hat off to the great Maestros like Margaux, Renaud and like Jennifer who have come close to or exceeded 60 victories“, he declares. Thus, when he is asked about the possibility of overtaking Margaux and becoming number 1, Kristofer is sincere: “No, I don’t think I will. I’m not efficient enough on my finals, she was more efficient than me. That’s not my goal: Margaux is incredibly strong. It’s already huge to have reached this stage. I don’t know how she managed her shows. That’s crazy. The hardest thing is to get back to it with so many gains.

And then, this beautiful kitty of 244,000 euros is enough to upset his daily life! “I know today that my life will changehe assures. My dad is often in tears at the end of filming. My parents are so proud of me. My dad didn’t come in the audience, but he stayed at the reception with my sister to watch the recordings.“A sizeable support for the young Kristofer who will perhaps succeed in going even further.

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