“I’m going to carry your baby”: Lea Michele, mom again? She explains herself

Here is a proof of friendship which will particularly touch the fans of Glee… The sublime Lea Michele is ready to carry the child of Jonathan Groff ! The star dropped in an interview for People that she would love to be pregnant by her friend if he decided to become a dad. “I’ll carry your baby, I will” affirmed the actress who has just had her first child. Visibly delighted with her first pregnancy, the young woman would like to share this experience with her friend Jonathan Groff and partner of the series. Glee. “Twill you do it?the 39-year-old actor, who came out as gay in 2009, asked his colleague and friend.Of course! I love being pregnant, it’s so good” exclaimed Lea enthusiastically.

During the interview, Jonathan was asked about his desires for children, especially since he could closely observe a young mother like Lea (who gave birth to a little Ever in 2020). “I got this weird thing about me where I scare the kids, had replied not without humor the famous interpreter of Jesse St. James before explaining, this is already the case with my two nieces who are less than 2 years old, I come with enthusiasm and it scares them all.“And even if the actor is not popular with children, he does not give up. Even using stratagems of all kinds to be appreciated. “So I’m taking it slow to win her love and get some affection back” explained Jonathan about his relationship with Ever, the young son of Lea.

As a reminder, Jonathan and Lea have been best friends since 2006 and their first meeting on the musical Spring Awakening on Broadway, which will also earn the actor a nomination for the prestigious Tony Awards. The two friends reunited in 2009 for the role of their lives in the event series Glee. Indeed, for six years Lea Michele is the interpreter of the character of Rachel Berry, which allows her to access international notoriety and critical recognition. More recently Jonathan and Lea participated in the revival of Spring Awakening for one and only evening filmed by HBO. Soon a documentary?

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