“I’m going through hell”: Selah Sue on antidepressants, her heartbreaking testimony

But nothing went as planned:After six months, darkness returned, completely unexpectedly and for no clear reason. I woke up with an inexplicable fear and I was catapulted from heaven to hell within weeks. First I thought I could handle it […] but it quickly became too hard, unbearable”. The young mother of two boys (Seth, 5 years old, and Mingus, 3 years old), therefore resigned herself to taking anti-depressants despite everything.

With a very strong but heartbreaking sentence: “Like 14 years ago, I feel like this is saving my life“. Published the same day, another photo shows her just as badly in her skin, but the singer is a little more optimistic: “like always“, antidepressants begin to take effect after several days of taking them.

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