“I’m excited, I’m scared…”: Nabilla pregnant and ready to give birth

It’s only a matter of days… Nabilla, pregnant with her second child, should give birth very soon. Indeed, as she recently revealed on social networks, the expected date of birth of her baby is June 5, 2022. While waiting for this meeting, the pretty 30-year-old brunette is preparing her little nest! On Snapchat Tuesday, May 10, 2022, she indulges in these last moments as a threesome, with her husband Thomas Vergara and their eldest son Milann (2 years old).

From her superb home in Dubai, Nabilla is active. Very soon, she will fly to Paris for projects but also her delivery. Before the big departure, the former reality TV candidate, now a business woman and influencer with more than 7 million followers on Instagram completes the final details. “I did the little baby corner, I started doing the bedroom. Because when I return from my shootings in Paris, I will be with two children. It’s not nothing. And some things will already be ready. I prefer to organize myself now. I packed my maternity suitcase, all the suitcases too because we’re leaving soon“, she launches.

And to continue, still on the social network for sharing ephemeral images: “There are three weeks left. I feel like I’m at the end. I’m excited, I’m scared at the same time. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I smile… I have a lot of emotions. But I’m too happy. I am at the end of my pregnancy and I am, like all women I think, impatient.“Nabilla promises to contain her emotions and not to crack live in front of her loyal subscribers. She then catches her breath and specifies that she feels”like a bird that makes its nest before laying its egg“.”I want everything to be fine, I put everything away, I take care of everything“, she continues.

let’s remember that the baby’s gender has not yet been revealed. And this for a very specific reason, the future parents themselves do not know anything about it! “When I return, I will have two children. One of which we still do not know the sex. We held out until the end. With Thomas, we thought that this baby arrived by surprise, so we wanted to keep the surprise. It’s so cool, we can’t wait to find out. We already have the first names, all you have to do is…“, she concludes.

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