“I’m 11 or 12 times uncle!” : Kendji Girac talks about his large family, with multiple happiness

In full promotion of his new title Evatribute to his daughter born in January 2022, Kendji Girac (26 years old) spoke with tenderness of the one for whom he feels unconditional love with Pure charts. “Every day that passes, every month that goes by, I have an incredible love that grows day by day. (…) Before, I was often told: ‘You will see, when you have children, you will love them with an incredible love’. Until we can live it, we can’t understand. Until we have it, we can’t imagine this love, which is the best thing“, he confides, calling himself a dad “tactile” and “very kiss“.

Accustomed to taking care of children since he was very young, Kendji Girac also reveals to have many nephews and nieces. “I grew up in a family where there are many children. I am 11 or 12 times uncle! I already have the love of the little ones for a long time. When it’s your child, you have a love that grows so powerfully it is. It added more love to what I already had at home“, shares the performer of the titles Andalusian and She loved me.

A love story

Written by singer Juliette Armanet, Kendji Girac’s new title could never have been released. Very discreet about his family, the words immediately touched the former winner of The Voice and current coach of The Void Kids.These are exactly the words I wanted to say to my daughter“, he explains, confirming that he had a long “hesitated“to release this song.

It’s really a love story that I wanted to sing for my daughter. I don’t want to give away too much about my private life because it’s true that I’m quite discreet about it and that there are things that need to be protected, but I just wanted to share this little piece of me, this piece of my heart“, adds the singer. Six years ago, Kendji Girac had already released a declaration of love for his mother with the title Mom’s Eyes.

As a reminder, Kendji Girac’s next album The school of life will be released on November 11, 2022.

Find the full interview with Kendji Girac on Pure charts.

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