Ilona Smet’s cry from the heart!

For several months, Ilona Smet is on a small cloud. And for good reason last April, the main interested party married her companion Kamran Ahmed. A very intimate ceremony that delighted their loved ones. Shortly after, Emma Smet’s sister gave birth to her first child: a son she wants to keep out of the media.

However on the Web, Ilona Smet has already shared pictures of the infant without revealing his face. Rare photos that make the happiness of his community. But this Wednesday, October 26, 2022, David Hallyday’s daughter took to her Instagram account to discuss a serious subject: child crime, which remains a real scourge on the Web. Via her Instagram story, the young mother relayed a report from Raw which sheds light on the processes of “sexual predators”.

“These photos can be taken by sexual predators”

“50% of the images and photos that are exchanged on pedophile forums in the world are self-produced, that is to say that it is the parents or the young people themselves who post them. They are recovered as is and disseminated for pornographic purposes,” we learn in the extract unveiled by the star. “There is a phenomenon called sharenting, it is the fact of regularly posting photos of our children to share our daily life. […]. These rather banal photos can be taken by sexual predators […]. We imagine that behind our screens we can be protected, yet these images can be recovered by people who, when they really have this objective in mind, can try to enter your circle of friends, your entourage. […]. »

The famous influencers who constantly overexpose their private life on the Web would encourage Internet users to do the same… A situation that is of great concern to Ilona Smet: “One of the reasons why I’m not going to expose my child’s face. Unfortunately it’s part of the world we live in and a negative aspect of social media. A sad observation that worries the model…


to see also: “Decomposing corpses”: the ugly discovery of Estelle Lefébure and her daughter Emma Smet: disgusted, they share everything on Instagram!

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