Illegal Cannabis | The SQ promises to maintain its efforts to counter illegal cannabis

(Montreal) The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) ensures that despite the existence of legislative measures authorizing certain activities related to cannabis, it will continue its efforts to counter producers and sellers of cannabis who act outside the legal framework.

Posted at 10:07 a.m.

The police point out that the production, possession for the purpose of trafficking, sale on the black market, import and export of cannabis remain criminal or penal offences. Any planting of cannabis without certification or a license issued by Health Canada is also prohibited.

The Sûreté du Québec says that during the season of illicit outdoor cannabis cultivation, its investigators and patrol officers will be on the lookout for suspicious behavior and will intervene to locate illegal outdoor production. They will seek to identify producers, make arrests, eradicate plants and counter illicit supply.

The SQ adds that the unauthorized cultivation and sale of cannabis feeds the black market and generates significant revenues that can be used to finance criminal activities.

The police invite citizens to be attentive to certain clues that suggest the presence of an illegal crop: the frequent comings and goings of unknown vehicles, the presence of driverless vehicles parked near the fields, the existence of unusual beaten paths on soil, the concealment of tools and gardening products and the presence of visual cues, such as colored ribbons hung on trees.

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