Ile-de-France placed on ozone peak alert, the episode could continue

Ile-de-France is placed on peak ozone alert by Airparif on Wednesday. The air quality watchdog fears the episode could span several days as efforts to limit air pollution are insufficient.

Article written by

Etienne Monin – edited by Clémentine Sabrié – franceinfo

French Radio



Reading time : 1 min.

Paris and its region are under an ozone peak alert issued by Airparif on Wednesday July 13. With the heat and the lack of wind, pollution stagnates in the air of the Ile-de-France region. This episode of air pollution could continue if the heat wave sets in, especially as the capital remains below air pollution standards. A study by Airparif estimates that for several pollutants, it will be necessary to significantly strengthen efforts to hope to return to the nails in the years to come.

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France has been doubly condemned for failing to comply with air pollution standards. She’s in violation for nitrogen dioxide. European justice pointed out, in 2019, the overrun “systematic and persistent” threshold since 2010. This polluting gas that comes out of the exhaust gases of thermal cars is responsible for more than 9,000 deaths per year in France. Then, in 2021, the Council of State condemned the State to pay 10 million euros to associations for the defense of the environment, because the measures taken to improve air quality were insufficient.

With “stopping the use of domestic fuel oil, the impact of the low emission zone, the renewal of old wood-burning appliances, we will have approximately 17% of nitrogen oxide emissions in less by 2025”explains Antoine Trouche, engineer at Airparif. “But it will still not be enough to, by this deadline, comply with French regulations on levels of nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere”denounces the engineer.

According to Airparif, transport emissions should be reduced by 60% compared to 2018 to hope to comply with the regulations. Near the ring road and the A1 motorway, 60,000 people are exposed to nitrogen dioxide.

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