A single ticket will be deployed on public transport in the Paris region from January 2025 to travel throughout the region, reports France Bleu Paris.
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Île-de-France Mobilités will overhaul the prices of its single tickets from January 1, 2025. The main change: the introduction of a single ticket at 2.50 euros allowing travel on the metro, RER and Transilien throughout the region, reports France Bleu Paris on Tuesday, September 17. So no more T+ tickets and origin-destination tickets, from now on the price will depend on the mode of transport used. It will be 2.50 euros to take the metro, RER and Transilien, regardless of the distance and location in the region. The same goes for buses and trams, with a ticket costing 2 euros.
The measure will first benefit residents of the outer suburbs who have not purchased a Navigo pass. The price of a trip between the former zones 1 and 5 will in this case be halved, going from 5 euros to 2.50 euros. But the measure will also create losers. A trip on the Paris metro will cost more in the future, going from 2.15 euros currently to the new single fare of 2.50 euros.
This measure should therefore accompany the end of cardboard tickets, planned for the end of 2025. It is also linked to the extension of the Liberté + pass to the entire region on January 1st. This formula of “post-payment” allows you to pay later for the number of tickets used during a month.
“People from the Paris region will be strongly encouraged to subscribe to the Pass Liberté Plus post-payment which will provide a 20% discount (1.99 euros and 1.60 euros) and bus-train-tram-metro connections included”, the association welcomes More trains on his X account, which speaks of a “revolution”. These announcements were made during a meeting organized by Valérie Pécresse, president of the Île-de-France region, to which this association had been invited.
“This is the end of the many fare traps and multiple OD tickets [origine destination] in the wallet. And it is very suitable for the future Grand Paris express. It will be 15% more expensive for a journey only by metro but it will be much cheaper and much simpler for suburb-Paris and suburb-suburb journeys”, the association is delighted No more trains.