Igloofest | Canceled in Montreal, suspended in Quebec

A week after announcing the cancellation of Igloofest 2022 in its current form in Montreal, due to the health measures announced on December 30, the organization of the festival is still working to see which of its guest artists could be rescheduled or no. The holding of the Igloofest of Quebec in March is not yet in question.

Alexandre Vigneault

Alexandre Vigneault

The inability to hold Igloofest 2022 quickly became obvious to its organizers when the government limited outdoor gatherings to 250 people as of December 31. “Igloofest is 10,000 people dancing,” notes Nicolas Cournoyer, vice-president, public affairs and social responsibility, at Multicolore, the company behind the event.

The organization is now working to see if some of its guests could perform next summer as part of Piknic Électronik or in another context in the coming months.

We have artists who came from Europe and the United States; we couldn’t just postpone the event.

Nicolas cournoyer

Once the calendar management is complete, Igloofest will be able to offer different options to its ticket and pass holders. It is specified that reimbursement will always be possible for festival-goers to whom the new proposals do not suit. The organization will contact ticket holders, as is indicated on the home page of the event’s website.

“Igloofest’s DNA is dancing outside”

Nicolas Cournoyer also indicates that the fate of the Igloofest of Quebec, scheduled for March, is not yet sealed. “The hope is that it will be a bit like in South Africa: a big peak, followed by a descent,” he said, specifying that the organization will see what health measures will be in force in a few weeks. “We’re not going to hold an event if we can’t do it under good conditions. ”

Multicolore was able to produce Piknic Électronik “in restricted mode” last summer while respecting physical distancing and other measures because once people are settled in, they can stay where they are.

Such a thing is not possible for a winter event like Igloofest, according to its representative.

“Igloofest’s DNA is dancing outside,” says Nicolas Cournoyer. As it’s cold, people need to be able to move, change places. As soon as there are rules to restrict movement, this is no longer possible. ”

Igloofest announced the cancellation of the events planned in Montreal as of December 30, in the wake of the announcements of the Premier of Quebec, François Legault. “We are in shock,” the organization said on Instagram. We have a thought for all the industries affected by these new measures, as well as for all of you … We remain hopeful of being able to unite and celebrate again when this new wave has finally been brought under control. ”

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