“If we weren’t in a presidential monarchy, there would be this tax,” says Raquel Garrido


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Raquel Garrido indicated that La France Insoumise, within the framework of Nupes, was going propose once again the super-profits tax in its counter-budget which it will present in the coming weeks.

“If we weren’t in a presidential monarchy, there would be a tax on super-profits”, denounced Sunday, September 4 on franceinfo the insubordinate France deputy Raquel Garrido. The government, for several weeks, has refused to put in place a tax on the profits of large groups like Total, in a context of energy tension and high inflation.

>>Five questions on the taxation of the super-profits of large companies demanded by the Nupes and the National Rally

“Everyone says, whether it’s the IMF or the United Nations, that this tax on super-profits is absolutely necessary, and the French are mostly in favor of it”says the MP. “If we were in a system that is truly democratic, there would already be a tax on super-profits.”

La France insoumise, within the framework of the Nupes, will once again propose this proposal in its counter-budget which it will present in the coming weeks. According to Raquel Garrido, the fact that the chairman of the Finance Committee, Eric Coquerel, is part of the ranks of the Nupes must push the present majority to negotiate: “There is no other choice than to go through a dialogue that includes rebellious France”. She ends by assuring that “if there is a lack of hearing and willingness to co-construct, it is clearly on the side of the executive”.

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