Video length: 11 mins.
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The former Prime Minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, is the guest of “4 Truths” of France 2, Monday February 27.
Former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin releases a book, Let’s not get out of history (Michel Lafon). The European question is at the heart of the book. “To be respected in the world, you have to be the leader of something. […] We have a subject on which we can be a leader, it is the application of the Paris agreements on the climate which originate from our territory”explains Jean-Pierre Raffarin, guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Monday, February 27.
War in Ukraine: “Joe Biden is not necessarily in a hurry”
The war in Ukraine has reignited tensions on the European continent, against a backdrop of rivalry between Russia and the United States. “Joe Biden is not necessarily in a hurry [pour des négociations diplomatiques, NDLR]. For the moment, he is quite satisfied. One: it seriously weakens Russia. Two: it seriously embarrasses China. Three: he sells his gas, his weapons, his wheat”believes Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
Pension reform is coming to the Senate. “The senators have the opportunity to show what a responsible, competent assembly is, which has its requirements. For this reform to pass, there must be a shared vision between the Renaissance group of the ‘Assembly and Senate and then the Republicans’says the former Prime Minister. “If we want the agreement of the LRs, we have to listen to them”he adds.