“It’s Robin Hood in reverse: we’re going to make everyone pay to avoid making the richest contribute,” says the national secretary of the Environmentalists.
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“If we taxed super profits, we could leave the French alone, protect the environment, protect our public services, protect those who use them and who need them,” says Tuesday March 26 Marine Tondelier on franceinfo. The national secretary of the Ecologists reacts to France’s public deficit in 2023. It amounts to 5.5% of GDP, reveals the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee).
To absorb it, Bruno The mayor has once again ruled out, on RTL, tax increases, including for businesses. “It’s Robin Hood in reverse: we’re going to make everyone pay to avoid making the richest contribute.” Marine Tondelier is indignant. The taxation of superprofits also has its supporters within the presidential majority.
If France’s public deficit in 2023 is well beyond the government’s forecasts, the boss of Bercy recalled his “determination to return below 3% in 2027”. To achieve this, it will be necessary “extra effort, more determination, a lot of method and a lot of composure”. “It has to be fair,” replies Marine Tondelier.
Indeed, “without justice, no peace, no social acceptability”. “We must stop coming to cry on the sets, to say ‘the RN is high, help us, etc.’. Make public policies that speak to the French, that stop targeting them”adds the municipal councilor in Hénin-Beaumont, a town led by Marine Le Pen’s party.
“In the end, it’s the environment that takes the bullet”
Ten billion euros of cuts have already been made to the state budget in 2024. The adjustment will have to be completed “in all useful actions of public spending”, warned Emmanuel Macron on Friday. Marine Tondelier accuses him of wanting “reset everything except the environment and public services. In the end, it’s the environment that takes the bullet”she blurted.
INSEE also revealed that French debt reached 110.6% of GDP at the end of 2023. “The subject is not the number of billions of euros of debt, that’s why we get into debt”, comments the ecologist. For her, “When we invest in the ecological transition, we do things that are very useful for the future. It would cost much more in the medium term not to do so.”