“If we haven’t finished, it will simply be the responsibility of the government”, warns ecological senator Guillaume Gontard

Senators start studying the pension reform bill this Thursday. For Guillaume Gontard, ecological senator, if the debates do not end in due time on March 12 at midnight “it will be the responsibility of the government”.

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“Sunday March 12 at midnight, if we haven’t finished, it will simply be the government’s responsibility“said this Thursday on franceinfo Guillaume Gontard, senator from Isère and president of the environmental group, solidarity and territories in the Senate. The senators seize from this Thursday and for 11 days of the bill on pensions after The national assembly.

>> LIVE. Pension reform: debates begin Thursday afternoon in the Senate

“We will do it differently anyway since the Senate is a different chamber”, he explained while the debates had been heated in the Chamber of Deputies. Just over 4,700 amendments were tabled by senators, four times less than in the National Assembly.

Gérard Larcher, President of the Senate, is still ready to draw articles 38 and 42 of the regulations to drastically speed up the procedure and go to the end of the text, unlike the National Assembly. “I had warned the President of the Senate. I think he should not be the relay of the government”, he explained. “There is not a single amendment that does not make sense”he says.

“Little by little, the Senate becomes the armed arm of the government”

The senator wants “a rich, serene debate, obviously calm because we have things to say, because it’s project against project, there is a real choice of society behind these discussions and therefore we have to have the time to expose it”, he said.

Yet rejected by deputies, the index of seniors in companies proposed by the executive is reappearing. “We find it in the Senate because the government, once again, wants to override it with the help of the senatorial majority. We now realize that there is only one majority, senatorial majority, majority presidential election and that little by little the Senate, the senatorial majority, becomes the armed arm of the government” he regretted.

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