“If we don’t arrest Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, we will no longer know peace in Europe”, says MEP Raphaël Glucksmann

According to the MEP of the Place Publique group, Raphaël Glucksmann, guest on France Inter on Tuesday, “firmness is the only way to do it”. Also, according to him, it is a question of supporting the Ukrainian resistance, in particular by offering it a European perspective, while inflicting sanctions on Russia.

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“If we don’t stop Vladimir Putin in Ukraine, we will no longer know peace in Europe”, says MEP and essayist Raphaël Glucksmann on Tuesday March 1 on France Inter. For him, it is urgent to react otherwise “we will be condemned for decades to come to live in a continent of permanent wars”.

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According to the MEP from the Place Publique group, “every sign of weakness in the European Union is an invitation to aggression”. For Raphael Glucksmann, “firmness is the only way to do it”both by supporting the Ukrainian resistance, by inflicting sanctions on Russia but also by offering “a European perspective to Ukraine”.

On Monday February 28, Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky demanded a special procedure for Ukraine’s immediate accession to the European Union. “Today, by a very large majority, we will vote to grant Ukraine the status of candidate country”, says the MEP. He adds that “the future of Europe is being played out in Kiev” and that it is necessary “to send this message to the Ukrainian people” : “They are a brotherly people and we are ready to welcome Ukraine into the European family.”

“All this insane hostility of Vladimir Putin towards Ukraine comes from a pro-European revolution in 2014. People already died in Kiev in 2014 with the European flag in their hands.”

Raphael Glucksmann

at franceinfo

As for the conditions set by Vladimir Putin in the context of the talks, they are, according to the MEP “unacceptable” and would drive “to vassalize Ukraine and sink Europe”. Raphaël Glucksmann denounces the inertia of Europe for 20 years: “It’s our lack of reaction to the destruction and annihilation of the Chechens first, then to the invasion of Georgia, then to the invasion of Ukraine, then to the fact that the Russians razed Aleppo and so many other Syrian cities that brought us to this current situation.”

However, he observes a form of “awareness” and of “mental revolution” from “European elites who were shaped with this idea that History in its tragic dimension was over, that there would be no more major geopolitical conflicts”. For the MEP, the challenge is now to “maintain this level of consciousness, unity and will in the long term”.

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