“If the law had been applied and Colonna brought closer, this tragedy would not have happened”, declares the deputy Michel Castellani

“The public, like myself, will be shocked that we can die this way”, reacted on franceinfo the deputy Freedoms and Territories of the 1st district of Haute-Corse.

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“If the law had been applied and Colonna brought closer this tragedy would not have happened”reacted on franceinfo Michel Castellani, deputy Freedoms and Territories of the 1st district of Haute-Corse, after the death of the Corsican separatist Yvan Colonna, almost three weeks after his attack in prison. “The public, like myself, will be shocked that we can die this way”he added

“It is obvious that all the light must be shed” about what happened. “But for the moment, the time is for meditation rather than comments or analyses. We will have the opportunity to express ourselves on the merits later”says the deputy.

Sentenced to life imprisonment for the assassination of the prefect of Corsica, Claude Erignac, in February 1998, Yvan Colonna, a 61-year-old prisoner in Arles prison (Bouches-du-Rhône), had been hospitalized for 19 days in Marseille. after his assault in Arles prison by a fellow prisoner.

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