Philippe Besset, head of the FSPF, spoke on franceinfo about the case involving the Minister of Health. The latter is accused of having received gifts from a laboratory without having declared them.
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“If she received the gifts, she must plead guilty and pay the price”, said Friday December 22 on franceinfo Philippe Besset, president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France (FSPF), about the Minister of Health. Agnès Firmin Le Bodo is accused by Mediapart of having received gifts from a laboratory and not having declared them. La Havraise is suspected of having received more than 20,000 euros in gifts from the Urgo laboratory, as part of her duties as a pharmacist. “An investigation is underway”the minister confirmed this Friday on France Bleu Normandie.
“The profession is extremely embarrassed by the affair which broke out today”admitted Philippe Besset. “I am actually surprised that having knowledge of the Urgo affair, and if ever, as she said, she recognized these practices, that she agreed to be a minister”declared the representative of pharmacists.
The Urgo laboratory, a pharmaceutical giant based in Dijon in Burgundy, is at the heart of an investigation which has involved thousands of health professionals since June 2021. “At least thirty colleagues who are the subject of investigations came to my union and asked me what they should do”specified Philippe Besset.
“She must be even more exemplary than the others”
“We must be an exemplary profession in our practices. I hope that it will not benefit from privileges” as minister. “She must be even more exemplary than the others”he said.
While the question of Agnès Firmin Le Bodo remaining in government arises, Philippe Besset does not see “how can it do otherwise than devote itself exclusively to its defense in the times to come”he said.