If political animals were talking, what would they say about Macron and Le Pen?

This Wednesday, April 20, 2022, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will confront their ideas during the great debate between the two rounds broadcast on France 2 and TF1. It is certain that the two candidates will not give each other gifts. During this presidential campaign period, many of their fellow citizens wondered about their projects in favor of animals.

In any case, the main interested parties have several times unleashed passions with their four-legged animals. For his part, Emmanuel Macron has a dog (labrador retriever griffon cross, editor’s note) named Nemo. On the Web, he likes to immortalize it on vacation or at the Élysée Palace to the delight of Internet users. On October 4 for World Animal Day, the Head of State honored the latter, whom he adopted in 2017 with his wife Brigitte Macron at the SPA in Hermeray in the Yvelines.

“An animal, however cute, is not a toy”

“At the time, the shelter had published his photo with the announcement: ‘I am a dynamic Labrador cross, ideal companion for an athlete. Very sociable and affectionate, I love papouilles’? What is true ” , remembered the outgoing president. “So on this World Animal Day, you can count on this mobilization (and that of Nemo to remind us of this simple message: an animal, no matter how cute, is not a toy […] “.

Nemo can boast that his master brought to light that “In France, nearly 100,000 dogs and cats are abandoned each year”. A necessary reminder shot when you know that the numbers are constantly growing. If Emmanuel Macron defends animal rights, many associations have regretted the absence of concrete actions during his five-year term. Like other candidates, he never opposed hunting. In the same way as Marine Le Pen who nevertheless wishes to punish hunters who break certain rules.

“They are exceptionally intelligent animals”

Unlike him, the RN candidate advocates civil law status for animals. It totally prohibits ritual slaughter “without stunning”. The daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen also wishes to strengthen the penalties for offenses committed against animals. Her program, for example, seduced Delphine Wespiser.“She has a kind of benevolence. I would like to have a president, I would like a mother of the French who brings people together, who protects, with the sensitivity of a woman […]”analyzed the ex-beauty queen in TPMP. Her love for cats also seems to have won her over.

Sheltered from prying eyes, Marine Le Pen has a real passion for felines that repay her well. Few know it, but the politician is a certified cat breeder! “They are exceptionally intelligent animals. They give me deep joy, console me, give me a lot of sweetness in this raw world. confessed the main interested party in the columns of Paris Match. If Marine Le Pen stopped politics, she would invest herself fully for them. It is said !


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