if it comes to power, the RN plans to entrust the Ministry of the Economy to an expert not belonging to the far-right party

Several profiles aimed at reassuring financial markets and investors have been put forward, such as that of a former leading banker or that of a former Minister of the Economy.


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Marine Le Pen, president of the RN group in the National Assembly (left) and Jordan Bardella, president of the RN, June 9, 2024. (JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP)

While the French are called to the polls on Sunday June 30 for the first round of the legislative elections, the National Rally plans, if it comes to power, to entrust the Ministry of the Economy and Finance to a figure who does not belong to the far-right party, Franceinfo learned on Wednesday June 26 from Marine Le Pen’s entourage.

This same source does not cite any names, but several profiles aimed at reassuring financial markets and investors, with past functions that could appear as guarantees of respectability. The profile of a former leading banker or even that of a former Minister of the Economy are thus mentioned.

The announcement of the dissolution of the National Assembly had almost immediate effects on the financial markets due to the uncertainty. The Paris Stock Exchange signed, for example, on Friday June 14, five days after Emmanuel Macron’s announcement, its worst stock market week since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, in 2022. The gap between French and German has never grown so quickly and so strongly since 2012.

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