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Like every Sunday, until the first round of the presidential election, we give the floor to one of the candidates. This is our sequence “If I were president”, live Sunday March 6, from Saint-Amand-les-Eaux in the North, with Fabien Roussel, candidate of the Communist Party.
“If you were President of the Republic today, what would you say to Vladimir Putin?“, asks journalist Leïla Kaddour to Fabien Roussel, candidate of the Communist Party in the presidential election, in duplex for France 2 for the sequence “If I were president”. “I would do anything to put pressure on Vladimir Putin, on his government”says Fabien Roussel. If elected, the candidate’s first concrete decision “would be in favor of the purchasing power of our fellow citizens”he said. the minimum wage would thus be increased to 1,900 euros gross, the salary of all civil servants would be increased by 30%. The minimum pension would she be scope at a minimum of 1,200 euros net.
Restoring purchasing power to the French would also go through “block bills that are soaring today, including gas and electricity bills“, proposes the communist candidate Fabien Roussel. The latter envisages the creation of a public electricity service. He wants to invest in renewable and nuclear energy “to regain control of our country’s energy, in production, in security but also in pricing”explains Fabien Roussel.