“If I were a footballer, I would choose not to go,” says Fabien Roussel


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The ex-communist candidate for the presidency of 2022 does not, however, exclude watching this World Cup on television. “JI’m a fan of the France team so it will bother me,” he admits.

“If I was a professional footballer, I would choose not to go to the World Cup in Qatar”, said Wednesday September 14 on franceinfo, the national secretary of the PCF Fabien Roussel. “I heard the call from Cantona who invites them not to go there and I am rather sensitive to it.”

“There are thousands of deaths under the construction sites of the World Cup in Qatar, there is a waste of money to have air-conditioned stadiums while we are talking about the environment, and Qatar is a country that still criminalizes homosexuality.”

Fabien Roussel

at franceinfo

The ex-communist candidate for the 2022 presidential election, however, does not rule out watching this World Cup on television: “I’m a fan of the France team so it will bother me”. But Fabien Roussel “feels a movement” boycott “which rises in the population, among young people and supporters”. “It appeals to me!”, he adds. He therefore wonders if the French could not “collectively” take action so that this World Cup in Qatar “useful for something”.

>>>Pension reform, “benefits left”, suspicions of fictitious employment … Fabien Roussel’s “8:30 franceinfo”

“Aren’t there T-shirts to wear to respect all athletes, regardless of gender or sex? Wouldn’t the media have messages to convey before, during and after the competition to talk about the environment or challenge homophobia?”asks the deputy from the North. This World Cup is also an opportunity to advance fundamental rights, including in Qatar.”

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