“If I stopped drinking…”: Stéphane Plaza explains why he no longer consumes alcohol

A very cold beer, a glass of rosé with ice cubes or even a pastis, for the host Stéphane Plaza it’s nothing! On Instagram, he documents his challenge: not to drink alcohol this summer. It’s already been 9 days since he’s had a drink and he doesn’t hide his pride.

Launched in his challenge, the most famous real estate agent in France holds on even if it is difficult, especially in the summer when friends have parties, barbecues or picnics and alcohol is in the game. . “Think about your health. Who can beat me? Without alcohol, without cheating. To you. Challenge open to over 18s and even those who drink a drink a day“, writes Stéphane Plaza in the story of his Instagram account. The 52-year-old businessman then posted a photo of himself with a message explaining his unexpected approach and of which we do not know how long it will last: “If I stopped drinking, it’s not by obligation but by choice. So you too join the challenge.“A way to prove that alcohol is harmful or that you can have fun without boozing? The Ministry of Health can thank him for this free media campaign!

This Thursday, August 4, 2022, Stéphane Plaza has therefore started an additional day without drinking anything, but he readily admits that it is difficult. Sharing a video extract of him, overexcited, during a filming of one of his shows on M6, he adds in caption: “9th day that I’m in the water, I’m freaking out.“This challenge is a great way to take a step back in order to question your relationship with alcohol. But it’s also an opportunity to get back in shape. Stéphane Plaza has given a lot of himself in recent months by climbing on the stage of the Bouffes Parisiens theater, for the play A magical couple. Faced with the success of this creation by Laurent Ruquier, it will resume performances in March 2023 for 60 exceptional performances. No doubt that during the last show, he will be able to sprain with a small glass of champagne.

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