“If I have no one by next week I will close”, bakers in the South Channel at their end for lack of staff

“I have three galettes des rois which are dueled in the store, while I have a nice little business”, Alice Jurczynski is in tears when she talks about her daily life. With her husband, they run the bakery “Au croissant d’or” in Villedieu-les-Poêles, in the South of Manche. This is their fifth business, but for the past few weeks, their window has been empty. In question, the two pastry chef positions are vacant. The couple appeal. As in many sectors, including construction, catering and tourism, he cannot find anyone. One of the effects of the health crisis in particular.

An untenable rhythm for the baker

“My husband had a stroke two years ago. He is much weaker. He is not able to hold a post on his own. One of the pastry chefs resigned in November because he found it closer to home, It was driving her too far. And the second pastry chef is pregnant “, explains the baker. So the couple are struggling to replace them, in vain : announcements on social networks, in newspapers, phone call to Pôle emploi or to the Group of pastry bakers of Manche and Orne.

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To the end, Alice Jurczynski has never known a similar situation in 35 years of profession. A heartbreak for this shopkeeper, especially as her turnover has increased by 8% since 2019. Her husband is also a few months away from retirement. “People want to stay at home by teleworking, they no longer want to move I think”, she continues. Result, the couple are considering closing up shop if they can’t find anyone by next week.

Not the only bakers affected in the Channel

In Villedieu, we are four bakeries. In all, there are three of us looking for pastry chefs in the same city. One is looking for two and another is looking for one. It’s something anyway, it’s not possible “- Alice Jurczynski, baker in Villedieu-les-Poêles

A phenomenon that the Groupement des boulangers pâtissiers de la Manche et de l’Orne has observed since the start of the health crisis, but not only, according to its president: “We estimate the lack of between 50 and 80 manufacturing employees in the Channel. The Covid effect, I don’t know if it’s really that. We have had this phenomenon for about three years. There is an economic activity which is there on the sector and a lot of demand. “

In addition to their two pastry chefs, the Jurczynski couple will also soon have to replace one of their departing sales assistants. The two traders have also been looking to sell their bakery for two years.

Convenient : Bakery “Au croissant d’or”, 22 place de la République in Villedieu-les-Poêles, 02 33 61 03 59.

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