“If he loses, it will not change much”, according to a relative

IHe had long hesitated to embark on this battle, only announcing in mid-May that he finally coveted a seat as a deputy. One of the questions that arise, six days before the first round, is: what will happen in the event of Eric Zemmour’s defeat?

The National Rally wants to believe that the ex-controversy will not recover from two consecutive defeats. And yet, absolute clarity at Reconquest when this scenario is mentioned. “If he loses, it won’t change much, slice a loved one. Neither for him, nor for his position in the party because the legitimacy of the founder is not linked to the result on a constituency. “The rest is not linked to this election”sweeping support from the first hour.

On the movement, yes, because Reconquest dreams of existing in the National Assembly. With a modest ambition: “Elect one, two or even three deputies”whose founder, “because having him as a deputysays an executive, this would give visibility and a media surface to the party”. “His victory would also send a very good signal to the base”continues the same – to the members in short – to recreate a breath that has perhaps fallen a little since the presidential election.

And there is the financial question, because the financing of parties depends on the result of the legislative elections. 1.42 euros on average per vote obtained, donated by the State to parties which obtain more than 1% in at least 50 constituencies. “We have every interest in having the maximum number of votes so that our party is financed”, explains a spokesperson for Reconquest. The movement’s operating budget, according to internal sources, is “around 200,000 euros per month”. I’ll let you do the math, that’s a lot of votes to glean.

There are other ways to finance this lifestyle: paid conferences for example. Éric Zemmour has already led some in his life before. The newspaper Le Parisien-Today in France understands, moreover, that he will resume these conferences in September, and that he also wants to launch a review.

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