“If he is condemned, there …”: Jean-Luc Lahaye soon released by his producer?

Friday, November 5, 2021, it was a cold shower for Jean-Luc Lahaye: after being referred to a judge, after two days in police custody, the singer was indicted and then placed in pre-trial detention. He is under the blow of a slew of accusations including rape of minors. In his entourage, it is panic and no one really believes that he will be able to do his come back artistic…

In the Saturday November 6 edition of the newspaper The Parisian, relatives of Jean-Luc Lahaye reacted to this sordid affair in which he is accused by two young women for facts allegedly produced in 2013 and 2014. “It’s a crumbling empire. His return was however well underway“, cowardly, annoyed, a professional show business. Indeed, the singer, 68 years old had just recorded a new self-produced album and had started working on tour dates. Fans of the singer of Singer dad and Woman i love should not see him on stage for a very long time because, already, even before his trial is held, the dates are canceled including those scheduled for summer 2022 …

In the close entourage of Jean-Luc Lahaye – already convicted in 2015 for corruption of minors – the subject is also very delicate. “Producer of some of his shows, Olivier Kaefer [celui qui avait rétabli les faits sur la grave chute de Margaux, la fille du chanteur, NDLR] refuses, him, to expound on the subject, because of the investigation in progress. He is presumed innocent, he insists. But if he’s doomed, then I won’t be able to condone“, he said in comments reported by the newspaper. In the worst case, he would be forced to let go …”The image of Jean-Luc has already been badly damaged the first time. There, the return will be difficult, we are not about to see him again on television …“says a friend.

Jean-Luc Lahaye, who claims to have had consensual relations with the two complainants, already had a very bad reputation because of his taste for young women, going so far as to make a dubious joke on his companion Paola. While a relative confides that, lately, he had taken to parachuting, today he is leaping into the void without having the security of not crashing at the end …

In this case, three other people are also in the crosshairs of justice: his daughter Margaux, suspected of complicity in rape, and the mothers of the plaintiffs, suspected of having pushed their daughters into the arms of the singer. Their custody has been lifted, Margaux suffering in particular from a serious state of health linked to her fall in 2019. All remain presumed innocent of the alleged facts until the final judgment of this case.

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