If François Legault was Santa Claus…

With 3.5 billion checks sent in December, for $400 or $600, François Legault really looks like Santa Claus. Struck by this resemblance, we send him our list of gifts just in time for New Year’s Eve… hoping that his elves from the Council of Ministers will deliver them to us in 2023.

1. A unifying tone in immigration

After the divisive tone adopted during the campaign on the issue of immigration and language, we would like the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ) to adopt a more inclusive and unifying posture. We can very well protect French and the values ​​that are dear to us without alienating immigrants and Anglophones, without creating a dangerous gap between Montreal and the rest of the province.

2. Grit in the environment

After the elections, François Legault said he was open to ideas from other parties. Let it move from words to deeds! Especially in the environment, a capital issue that must transcend partisanship. The CAQ should draw on solidarity and PQ platforms, which are more daring than its own plan, which only achieves half of the GHG reduction targets. And there are so many other things we dream of for 2023: serious standards for the Horne Foundry, a real plan to save the caribou…

3. Fewer ribbons, more renovations

Schools, roads, hospitals… Our infrastructures are falling apart. The maintenance deficit has doubled over the past 10 years. Please, let’s renovate everything that’s wrong first, even if it pays more politically to cut ribbons and launch new projects like the third link. Any savvy homeowner knows to redo the leaky roof before digging a pool in their yard.

4. Cleaning up our Hydro bill

In 2019, the CAQ decided to index electricity rates to inflation, instead of letting the Régie de l’énergie determine a reasonable increase. Error ! With inflation at the ceiling, the CAQ had to limit, in a totally arbitrary way, the increase to 3% for residential customers… but not for businesses that are already subsidizing consumers with higher rates. While the CAQ wants to build a “half-Hydro” to achieve carbon neutrality, we are ripe for a public consultation on the energy transition in 2023.

5. Houses under the tree

Poor young people! The real estate market has never been so unaffordable since the 1980s. Mortgage payments for the purchase of a typical property in Montreal take up almost half (49%) of the income of a median household. The solution ? Build more houses. Quebec must adopt a plan like in Ontario. To defeat the “not in my yard”, you need construction targets for each region, city and district.

6. A reform of family law

There is so much to do to restore our tattered justice system. But, in 2023, we want the CAQ to give birth to a reform of family law. It will be 10 years since the Supreme Court asked Quebec to do its homework, following the “Éric contre Lola” trial. But nothing has moved. Common-law spouses still have no protection in the event of separation, unlike all the other provinces.

7. Reform of the Standing Orders

With five political parties, things are not going well in the National Assembly. It is not normal that the parties which did not obtain 20% of the votes or 12 deputies are obliged to fight to have adequate budgets and speaking rights. Strongly a real reform of these outdated rules! For that matter, we would also like to have a Parliamentary Budget Officer who would provide neutral and reliable financial information and would raise the quality of the debates in the Blue Room.

8. Daycare centers that pass the test

The chronic lack of child care spaces is the subject of much discussion, and rightly so. But in 2023, we would like the CAQ to also look into the quality of educational services, which has deteriorated this year, according to the annual report published in mid-December. It is alarming to read that only three establishments out of five pass the test, far from the Quebec target. Let’s not forget that the objective of the daycare network is to promote the development of toddlers and equal opportunities.

9. Health! Success in your studies!

What would New Year’s Eve be without these timeless greetings? Health and education monopolize two-thirds of the budget in Quebec. However, the services are not up to par. There is a shortage of manpower everywhere. And “overtime” kills staff. Stop! Let’s think otherwise. We must invest in technology to be more productive, defeat the corporatism of the orders to have more reinforcements from abroad, adapt training so that more shrinks, doctors, professors, larks, obtain a diploma quickly…

10. And you? What would you ask François Legault for Christmas?

Dear readers, we are always curious to know your opinion. So, between a glass of bubbles and a bite of tourtière, write to us! Thereupon, on behalf of The Presswe wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas.

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