Idrissa Gueye (PGS) accused of homophobia: severely clashed, his absence on the ground causes outcry

Everything was in place for Paris Saint-Germain to have a perfect weekend, between the clear and flawless victory on Saturday evening in Montpellier (4 to 0) and the new triumph of Kylian Mbappé at the UNFP Trophies on Sunday evening May 15. . Except that PSG is a club apart where there is always something going on and it has not failed, once again. Despite a new attacking festival from Lionel Messi’s teammates, an absence has been causing quite a stir since Saturday evening, that of the Senegalese midfielder, Idrissa Gueye.

Winner of the African Cup of Nations and essential cog in PSG this year, the 32-year-old is one of the frequent starters in Mauricio Pochettino’s team. Last Thursday, he organized a gala evening in which most of his teammates took part and seemed in good shape, except that this Saturday, he was absent from the score sheet for “personal reasons” according to his trainer. Except that it’s the second year in a row that he’s been absent right on the day against homophobia organized by the Professional Football League. Last year, a sudden gastroenteritis prevented him from playing with the famous rainbow jersey reserved for this day…

Valérie Pécresse asks for sanctions

His entourage refused to comment, as did Idrissa Gueye, but we are talking about a “sensitive subject”as reported The Parisian. The player is suspected of having refused to support the fight against homophobia because of his religious beliefs. A scandalous attitude when homophobia is a scourge in sport and particularly in football where many gay players remain in the closet…

This absence caused an outcry and strong reactions, starting with the unsuccessful presidential candidate and current president (LR) of the Île-de-France region, Valerie Pécresse. The latter posted a message on her Twitter account to castigate the attitude of the Parisian footballer and she is asking for sanctions. “The players of a football club, and those of PSG in particular, are figures of identification for our young people. They have a duty to set an example. A refusal by Idrissa Gana Gueye to join the fight against homophobia could not remain without sanction!”claims the one who marched at the time with the decried Manif pour Tous.

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