IDF claims to have discovered the entrance to a tunnel under Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza


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War between Hamas and Israel: IDF claims to have discovered the entrance to a tunnel under Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza

War between Hamas and Israel: IDF claims to have discovered the entrance to a tunnel under Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – M. De Chalvron, F. Le Moal, L. Lavieille

France Televisions

On Sunday, November 19, the Israeli army released a series of images of a tunnel, believed to be located under Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. According to the IDF, this underground device would house the Hamas command center.

Israeli military claims to have found the tunnel, located below a hangar on the hospital grounds Al Shifa (Gaza strip). The entrance opens onto a 10 meter deep spiral staircase, surrounded by thick walls. It leads to the tunnel entrance, proper. A corridor would be 55 meters long, dotted with powerful defense devices, like an armored door capable of withstanding exposure. According to the Israeli army, this gate protects the command center of the Hamas.

291 people still hospitalized in Al-Shifa

This discovery comes as the hospital was partially evacuated on Saturday, November 18, amid great confusion. For a week, the Israeli army had laid siege to the hospital Al Shifa. Since the start of this war, she claims that Hamas hides its main operational center in the basement of the establishment. According to the WHO, there are 291 people left inside the hospital, most of whom cannot be moved without medical assistance.

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