IDF carries out new ground incursion into Gaza Strip

This “land” raid was “one-off, limited in time and space,” an Israeli army spokesperson said on Friday.


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Israeli army soldiers in East Jerusalem, part of the city annexed by Israel, October 27, 2023. (AHMAD GHARABLI / AFP)

This is the second Israeli ground incursion in two days. The army announced on the morning of Friday October 27 that its infantry had carried out a “targeted raid in the central sector of the Gaza Strip”supported by “hunters and drones”, targeting Hamas objectives. The soldiers then left the Palestinian territory without reporting any injuries, the IDF said in a statement.

This raid “earthly” was “punctual, limited in time and space”, declared on franceinfo Olivier Rafowicz, spokesperson for the Israeli army. At the same time, objectives “belonging to the Hamas terrorist organization” were bombed in the center of the territory “and everywhere in the Gaza Strip”, according to the IDF press release. Hamas rocket launch pads and command centers were destroyed, while men from the Palestinian Islamist movement were neutralized, the IDF reports.

Rocket fire towards Israel

During the night from Wednesday to Thursday, the Israeli army had already announced that it had carried out a targeted raid with tanks in the north of the Gaza Strip. For its part, the armed wing of Hamas, the Ezzedine al-Qassam brigades, claimed to have foiled an Israeli incursion from the coast, in the Rafah sector.

Salvos of rockets were also fired from Gaza on Friday towards central Israel and Tel Aviv. A 20-year-old man was injured and hospitalized, according to Israeli emergency services.

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