Identity theft | Guns N’Roses sues online gun store

(Houston) American hard rock band Guns N’Roses has filed a lawsuit against a company that runs an online gun store under the name Texas Guns and Roses, claiming in federal court that the company s is unfairly appropriated his name.

In a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles, attorneys for Guns N’Roses said Jersey Village Florist LLC, which operates the online store, was misleading consumers into believing it had a connection to the group.

Guns N’Roses “does not reasonably wish to be associated with Defendant, a retailer of firearms and other weapons,” the lawsuit filed Thursday states, noting that the company has not received “approval, license or consent” of the band when it registered in 2016.

Additionally, the group claims that the retailer “adopts political views on the website related to the regulation and control of guns and other weapons, which may polarize many American consumers.”

The lawyers requested a jury trial and a court order prohibiting the use of the site’s name. They also demanded unspecified punitive damages.

The online store did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment.

Formed in 1984, Guns N’Roses are one of the most successful bands of all time, and were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 2012. Its original members are Axl Rose, Saul “Slash” Hudson and Michael “Duff” McKagan.

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