Identity: a victim of usurpation testifies


Video length: 3 mins.

France 3

Article written by

J. Desrousseaux, M. Niewenglowski, A. Tribouart, J. Chouquet – France 3

France Televisions

He testifies anonymously. This father had his identity usurped after a trivial loss of bag but his ordeal will last for more than twenty years.

It’s an extraordinary story that begins with a very ordinary misadventure. “I lost a bag on the tram. Inside, there was a civil status sheet, CVs, an identity document”, says the victim. For a year, this sound engineer lives a normal life until he goes to the Family Allowance Fund to declare the birth of his daughter. He discovers that he is a victim of identity theft. “She tells me, you know you already touch the RMI, I answer her that no, I do not touch it”he begins. “I see my name, the address where it is transferred, the bank where it is transferred. And I tell her that no, it is not me. She says to me: Sir, you are the victim of a usurpation of ‘identify.”

25 years of ordeal

He then lodges a complaint and it is the beginning of an ordeal that will last 25 years. Unable to take out a loan or declare his children. “He went each time to take steps with each of the administrations and each time he was told that as long as there was no judgment, conviction of your usurper, we cannot solve this problem. “, details his lawyer. In 2021, 2,200 people were convicted of identity theft.

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