Identifying Toxic Friendships and Getting Rid of Them

The common point of toxic friendships ? They usually all start with a friendly love at first sight. If the concept of friendship may seem universal, it is nonetheless true that, depending on its nature, it can have significant effects on our daily lives. By surrounding yourself with the right people, you seek to feel fulfilled and to live happily.

In love, as in friendship, beginnings of relationship are often idealized. We therefore idealize the person first, before even discovering who he really is.

Sometimes some friendships can be heavy, tiring or unhealthy : these are toxic friendships. It is not always easy to identify them, because of the attachment to them.

Identify the warning signs

A energy drop and anxiety signals should alert. When the reciprocity and the mutuality are no longer present in the friendship, we can ask ourselves questions about the reasons for this friendship. In a non-toxic friendship relationship, you feel respected and supported.

The reviewsthe contemptI’ironythe fear of judgment on the other, a feeling of discomfortof guilt or even lingering remarks are all elements that should alert us to our toxic friendly relations.

To talk about it, Geraldine Mayr receives the clinical psychologist Marion Blique to learn how to protect yourself from these friendships that are ultimately not like the others. She is the author of the book I quit toxic relationshipspublished by Eyrolles.

She explains the different types of toxic friendships and how to get rid of.

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