Fall is the perfect season to get some fresh air. This is an opportunity to make discoveries, to visit natural places that we did not know. Exactly, a large format Ulysses guide, The 150 most beautiful outdoor sites in Quebec, can give ideas when the imagination runs out.
Posted at 2:30 p.m.
We obviously mention the major national parks, which are must-see destinations. But we also present a large number of regional parks, which are full of places of great beauty and which have nothing to envy to the more established parks. This is particularly the case for the Montagne du Diable regional park and the Appalaches regional park. There is also talk of large urban parks, such as Parc du Mont-Royal, Parc Michel-Chartrand (Longueuil) or the Center de la nature in Laval. There is also room for private companies, such as Abraska Laflèche, in Outaouais, the Domaine enchanteur in Mauricie or Ski Montagne Coupée in Lanaudière.
In each case, we offer a description of the place, some beautiful photos and activities not to be missed. We also explain who the target clientele is. Thus, the Mont-Ham regional park is a great destination for families who want to climb a very beautiful peak, while the Pourvoirie du Lac Blanc will particularly appeal to fishermen. Plein-Air Sainte-Adèle, for its part, is mainly aimed at mountain bikers and hikers.
In this album, we decided to group the 150 places by season: the 34 outdoor places to visit in autumn, for example, or the 52 places to visit in summer. But the overwhelming majority of these places are great all year round, so don’t be shy about flicking through the Winter or Spring section when looking to hike in mid-October.

The 150 most beautiful outdoor sites in Quebec
Collective of authors
256 pages